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I'm working on a QML app for runners. Some weeks ago I tried to train doing fartlek sessions and I realized I was continuously looking to my watch checking for the next period. So I decided to make an app featuring voice alerts to order when to change my pace.
Yesterday I uploaded a beta to Google Play and is available to test through the linked G+ group.
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I wrote this post (in Spanish) a couple of weeks ago as a reminder just in case I have to do something similar in the future. Sometimes I found QT documentation is not all good I would desire and with Android Extras I had to spend quite a lot of time to solve some problems. What I wanted to do is to call Adroid's TexToSpeech class from QT so I used QtAndroidExtras documentation as a reference, this example of notifications and this post of someone else trying to do the same.
Read more: Calling Android's Text to Speech from QT 5.2. An example of QT Android Extras